Pre-Pre Race 2005
How did I train to prepare myself to be there....?


I started riding my bicycle during the summer months, but it was not any schedule. It was just a hit
and miss riding. A few days I would ride and a lot of days I didn't ride.

But around early July I started thinking of riding the CNC 2005, and I knew that I wasn't in shape to
ride the trip from Asheville to Wilmington. So in July I started riding my bike more and longer mileage,
even though I never rode over maybe 20 miles at one time. But I was gradually inching my way
with longer mileage.

So in August I started riding longer mileage on the days I could and I started a log of the  mileage
ridden each day. That chart is below.

After looking back on it; I needed a 3 month schedule instead of 2 months. I think I would have
accomplished the goal from Asheville to Wilmington a little easier.


Mileage Chart 2005

Week of Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Weekly
8/14 0 14 15 18 0 26 Off 73
8/21 34 0 22 18 31 34 Off 139
8/28 0 24 0 0 0 46 Off 70
9/4 26 52 14 22 25 27 Off 166
9/11 37 0 0 8 30 26 Off 101
9/18 42 0 0 45 0 16 Off 103
9/25 37 37 24 18 32 14 Off 162

Another thing I should have done was ride more miles in one day. Looking back, the least day in
miles on the trip was 50. So the shorter miles helped, but the longer distances I think would have
benefited me more; as long as I'm in shape for the punishment.

The 46 miles that I rode on the week of 8/28 on Friday was the closest I have ever come to what
they call "hitting the hill." I overdid it that day and when getting back home I almost had no functions.
It was hard to think or walk. It took about an hour or two to get back to normal; whatever that is.

Like I said, overall I should have put in more miles and longer miles on each ride.

But praise the Lord I finished the 471 mile CNC 2005 trip.


                                                                                                                            Dewey E. Fox


Pre Ride, Day One, Day Two, Day Three, Day Four, Day Five, Day Six, Day Seven, Post Words

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